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Housing and Transportation Demand Analysis: 

Boston Metropolitan Area

This webpage outlines the findings of my project for Applied GIS (HS297F) at the Brandeis Heller School for Social Policy and Management.



For this project, my goal was to use the statistical tools within ArcGIS to understand the quantifiable relationship between housing, transportation access, and spatial location within the Boston area. Specifically, I build off a previous project that mapped Boston's real estate trends and transportation network in an effort to provide more context to transit-oriented development and its effect on Boston. Using spatial statistical tools, this project analyzes data relevant to residential and transportation demand. This comes at a moment when Boston has experienced a boom in housing development and must remain informed about the long-term implications on the metropolitan system. The monocentric city model offers a theoretical framework for assessing the transportation and housing demand drivers.

Zachary Romano

Applied GIS Final Project

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